Tag: MNC database
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2 years ago

VIDEO | What’s happening at Massmart?
by Dr Salomé Teuteberg massmart / MNC database / MNCs / retail sector / shop stewards alliance
The delisting of Massmart is bad news for workers and unions at the retail company.
South African Multinational Corporations in Africa: Bargaining with Multinationals
by LRS company research / MNC database / negotiate / shop steward alliance support / transforming corporate governance
A step-by-step approach to using company information when preparing for bargaining processes.
Environmental and CSI reporting in South African multinational corporations
A review of company reporting practices with regards to Corporate Social Responsibility and the Environment.
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7 years ago

Shop Stewards Alliance Support
by LRS AGREED database / company research / MNC database / retail sector / shop steward alliance support / South African multinational companies / trade union strategies
We support the capacity of UNI Global Union affiliates in Africa to monitor and influence the activities of South African multinational companies. Unions are increasingly working to ensure that MNCs comply with existing Global Framework Agreements and the Decent Work Agenda.
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7 years ago

Collective Bargaining & Organising Support
by LRS AGREED database / AWARD database / bargaining benchmarks / collective bargaining / collective bargaining agreements / MNC database / negotiate
Our work supports trade union collective bargaining and organising. Our work influences wage policy formation in South Africa. Our work helps trade unions develop a voice on trade and investment in Africa, and informalisation in work and employment.
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7 years ago

Transforming Corporate Governance
by LRS afCFTA / artificial intelligence / automation / company research / ethical investing / future of work / gig economy / just transition / MNC database / socially responsible investment / South African multinational companies / value chains capacity building
LRS is actively involved in corporate governance and ethical investing in South Africa. We provide unions negotiating with various JSE-listed companies with company information, financial literacy, and strategic insights to enhance bargaining strategies.
Global Framework Agreements for Africa – Using the space created
Are global framework agreements useful in the struggle for global solidarity?
Anglogold Ashanti – Towards strategic bargaining
by LRS collective bargaining agreements / company research / MNC database / negotiate / transforming corporate governance
An analysis of collective bargaining agreements at AngloGold Ashanti operations.
Anglogold Ashanti – All that glitters is not gold
by LRS company research / global framework agreement / MNC database / negotiate / shop steward alliance support / transforming corporate governance
The research provides company information that trade unions need to effectively engage with Anglogold Ashanti at a national and regional level.
Categories Cloud
Tags Cloud
afCFTA (27)
bargain (65)
bargaining benchmarks (25)
care work (40)
collective bargaining (26)
collective bargaining agreements (43)
collective bargaining support (212)
company research (67)
Coronavirus (27)
covid-19 (35)
CPI (116)
directors’ fees (66)
economy (26)
future of work (28)
GDP (26)
gender based violence (47)
gender equality (104)
ILO Convention 190 (34)
inflation (158)
inflation monitor (108)
inflation rate (68)
LGBTI workers rights (25)
living wage (25)
minimum wages (24)
MNC fact sheet (24)
MNC sector reports (31)
MNC trends report (44)
multinational corporations database (26)
negotiate (105)
Negotiator's Guide (37)
organise (41)
peer learning process (24)
precarious employment (39)
regional integration (21)
retail sector (31)
school related gender based violence (20)
shop steward alliance support (21)
South African multinational companies (87)
transforming corporate governance (129)
unemployment rate (40)
volunteer food handlers (23)
wage bargaining (54)
wages (74)
workers' education (25)
workers’ rights (22)