Read More1 year ago Five essential resources for union negotiators by LRS AGREED database / bargaining benchmarks / inflation / national minimum wage / sector reports / wage bargaining / wage calculator / wages Refresh your knowledge and skills on wage bargaining using LRS resources created for trade union negotiators.
Read More1 year ago Bargaining Benchmarks | December 2023 by George Mthethwa GDP / inflation / unemployment rate / wage bargaining / wages Bargaining Benchmarks helps trade union negotiators to enter negotiations as informed and strategic role players.
Bargaining Benchmarks | December 2023 by LRS GDP / inflation / unemployment rate / wage bargaining / wages A resource for trade union negotiators in South Africa.
Bargaining Benchmarks | September 2023 by LRS bargaining benchmarks / collective agreements / GDP / inflation / unemployment rate / wages A resource for trade union negotiators in South Africa.
Read More2 years ago Bargaining Benchmarks | September 2023 by George Mthethwa bargaining benchmarks / collective agreements / GDP / inflation / unemployment rate / wages A resource for trade union negotiators in South Africa.
Read More2 years ago Labour laws every shop steward should know and use to represent workers by LRS conditions at work / labour laws / Negotiator's Guide / wages Using the law to support bargaining strategies.
Read More2 years ago Tackling the huge pay gap in the public sector by George Mthethwa collective bargaining / inflation / public sector / wage gap / wages The 3% increase for office bearers is below average inflation, but what does it mean in Rand terms compared to the 7.5% increase for ordinary workers in the public service?
Industry wage settlements | Q1 2023 by LRS AWARD database / collective agreements / wages Median wage increases for various industries, sample agreements on the Actual Wage Rates Database (AWARD) of the LRS.
Read More2 years ago Bargaining Benchmarks | March 2023 by George Mthethwa GDP / inflation / unemployment rate / wage negotiation / wages This report provides union negotiators with the benchmarks to enter bargaining processes as informed role players.
Bargaining Benchmarks | March 2023 by LRS GDP / inflation / unemployment rate / wage negotiation / wages Benchmarks to help union negotiators enter negotiations as informed players.