Read More7 months ago The basic benchmarks a negotiator needs for the bargaining process by George Mthethwa GDP / inflation / labour relations / unemployment rate / wage bargaining / wages View the latest LRS Bargaining Benchmarks report.
Bargaining Benchmarks | March 2024 by LRS GDP / inflation / labour relations / unemployment rate / wage bargaining / wages The basic benchmarks a negotiator needs for the bargaining process.
Winning Strikes – A guide to strike action by LRS collective bargaining support / labour relations / organise / south africa / workers’ rights A guide to strike laws and rights, and tactics for worker leaders.
Read More4 years ago The value of labour after the pandemic by Bárbara Figueroa labour relations / social dialogue / trade union development Bárbara Figueroa, president of Chile’s Central Union of Workers, argues for the need to reflect on and review our practices as a labour movement and as a species.
The state of the labour market during Covid-19 | Address by the Director of CCMA by LRS CCMA / collective bargaining support / Coronavirus / covid-19 / labour relations Answers to many of your questions about the operations of the CCMA during the covid-19 lockdown.