Trade, Employment and Trade Unions in Africa by LRS afCFTA / employment / gender mainstreaming / informalisation / social dialogue / trade liberalisation Some policy options.
Read More22 hours ago Policy Paper | Trade, Employment and Trade Unions in Africa by Prince Asafu-Adjaye afCFTA / employment / gender mainstreaming / informalisation / social dialogue / trade liberalisation Some policy options to help unions strengthen influence and shape trade and labour policies in Africa.
Trade Union Informal Cross Border Trade Advocacy in Africa by LRS gender mainstreaming / informal cross-border trade / intra-African trade / policy brief / social dialogue / trade facilitation / Women in ICBT This paper explores the nature, scale, gender dimensions, and implications of ICBT. It recommends policy options for trade unions to improve conditions for informal traders and strengthen organising efforts in the informal economy.
Read More1 week ago Policy Paper | Trade Union Informal Cross Border Trade Advocacy in Africa by Prince Asafu-Adjaye gender mainstreaming / informal cross-border trade / intra-African trade / policy brief / social dialogue / trade facilitation / Women in ICBT Four ways to strengthen union campaigns on trade and the AfCFTA.
Read More2 months ago A hot and troubled world of work by The Conversation climate change / collective bargaining and organising / just transition / occupational health and safety / social dialogue How the new climate act and labour law can align to drive a just transition.
Read More2 months ago Negotiating jobs in the clothing and textiles industry by Nelly Nyagah A Labour of Love / AfCFTA negotiations / clothing manufacturing / Protocol on Trade in Goods / regional value chains / rules of origin / social dialogue / trade liberalisation Trade unions must be in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) negotiations for decent work.
Read More4 months ago How trade unions are shaping the AfCFTA by Nelly Nyagah A Labour of Love / afCFTA / clothing manufacturing / Protocol on Trade in Goods / regional value chains / rules of origin / social dialogue / trade and investment / trade liberalisation Behind the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement lies a fundamental question: how can trade serve the people who power it?
Read More6 months ago Trade unions gear up for AfCFTA first review by Nelly Nyagah AfCFTA Protocols / AfCFTA review / decent work agenda / ETUC / international labour migration / labour provisions / social dialogue Unions reflect on past negotiations and their trade positioning as the AfCFTA approaches its first review.
Read More8 months ago How cross-border trade can thrive under the AfCFTA by Nelly Nyagah afCFTA / gender mainstreaming / informal cross-border trade / informal economy workers / labour migration / organising / social dialogue Informal worker and leader Anthony Kwache discusses what it will take to ensure fair cross-border trade.
Read More8 months ago The meaning of ‘Climate Change’, ‘COP28’, and ‘Just Transition’ by Dr Salomé Teuteberg climate change / COP28 / green collective bargaining / just transition / social dialogue / sustainable development Key terms you need to know in trade union advocacy on a greener future that protects workers.