Convention 190 and Recommendation No. 206 provide a common framework to stop violence and harassment in the world of work, including gender-based violence and harassment. This ITUC guide offers workers and their representatives a basic introduction to the ILO instruments.
INTERVIEW: FEDUSA’s Social Policy Officer, Brenda Modise, speaks about the federation’s efforts to popularise its LGBTIQ+ resolution, as well as the lessons learned in promoting the rights of workers who are LGBTIQ+. The Labour Research Service supports the efforts of unions to negotiate for inclusivity and against discrimination.
Annual consumer inflation increased to 7.8% in July 2022 from 7.4% in June. Transport, food and non-alcoholic beverages, and housing and utilities continue to place considerable pressure on the annual rate. Bread and cereals, oils and fats, fuel and electricity contributed notably to the reading in July.