Read More2 years ago Understanding value chains: A guide for shop stewards by LRS global value chains / Negotiator's Guide / solidarity & alliance building An introduction to value chains as a tool for trade unions to renew their bargaining and organising strategies.
Read More3 years ago Feminist visions of the future of women’s work in Africa by LRS care economy / climate change / future of workers / gender eqaulity / global value chains / women workers 12 key initiatives for mitigating the immediate negative impact of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) on women workers in Africa.
The Negotiator’s Guide Chapter 10 | Trade Unions organising and bargaining in value chains by LRS collective bargaining / global value chains / Negotiator's Guide An introduction to the concept of value chains and value chain mapping to connect with workers that informalisation might have hidden from view.
Read More4 years ago Value chain analysis as a tool for renewing trade union organising and bargaining strategies by LRS bargain / collective bargaining support / global value chains / organise / shop stewards alliance / trade union development Effective trade unions act at the local, sectoral and global levels. Learn the four elements to value chain mapping.
Bargaining Indicators | 2019 by LRS collective bargaining support / conditions of employment / economy / employment rate / future of work / gender / global value chains / inflation rate / living wage / minimum wages / wage bargaining review Bargaining Indicators provides trade union negotiators with economic indicators and benchmarks useful for developing bargaining strategies.
Breaking the chain: Value chain analysis as a tool for renewing trade union bargaining and organising strategies by LRS bargain / collective bargaining support / global value chains / organise / shop steward alliance support This article attempts to introduce the trade union reader in sub-Saharan Africa region to the concept of value chains.
Read More7 years ago Value chains capacity building by LRS global value chains / shop steward alliance support / South African multinational companies / trade and integration / transforming corporate governance / value chains capacity building We supported trade unions in ten countries in sub-Saharan Africa to renew their bargaining and organising strategies for tackling inequality in global value chains.