Read More1 year ago A resource for trade union educators to inspire confidence and inclusivity in learning spaces by LRS facilitation exercises / feminist popular education / women's leadership development Use this facilitation exercise to create workshops where participants feel comfortable and supported.
Gender equity and social dialogue | Facilitation exercise by LRS facilitation exercises / gender equality / trade unions / women's leadership development / workers' education Outcome: Strengthen our understanding of social dialogue in creating gender equity.
Women contributing to the economy | Facilitation exercise by LRS facilitation exercises / gender equality / trade unions / women's leadership development / workers' education Women feel more confident in participating in political economy discussions.
Bargaining with a gender equity lens | Facilitation exercise by LRS facilitation exercises / gender equality / trade unions / women's leadership development / workers' education Outcome: Strengthening our understanding and confidence in bargaining with a gender equity lens.
Trade unions and the struggle for gender justice | Facilitation exercise by LRS facilitation exercises / gender equality / trade unions / women's leadership development / workers' education Outcome: Reflection on our organisational policies and practices in relation to creating a gender-equitable trade union.
Women trade union leadership | Facilitation excercise by LRS facilitation exercises / gender equality / trade unions / women's leadership development / workers' education Outcome: Participants feel comfortable, supported and confident in participating in the workshop.
Read More4 years ago How I deal with the pain of others by Nosipho Twala facilitation exercises / gender based violence / gender equality / methodology / vicarious trauma As an educator and facilitator in the Gender Equality Programme of Labour Research Service, I am exposed to human trauma often. Here’s my advice on how to be more resilient.
Read More6 years ago How to deal with the pain of others – Tips for educators, facilitators and researchers by Nosipho Twala facilitation exercises / gender based violence / gender equality / vicarious trauma As an educator and facilitator in the LRS Gender Programme, I am exposed to human trauma often. Here’s advise on how to become more resilient.