Read More1 month ago Coal workers face an uncertain future by The Conversation climate change / decent jobs / energy sector / just transition / women in energy A study examines the understanding of decent work among fossil fuel workers whose jobs will be phased out.
Read More1 year ago How to build a compelling advocacy campaign for a just transition in the energy sector by Marie Daniel advocacy / alliances and coalitions / climate change / energy sector / green economy / just transition / renewable energy Three things that can make or break a trade union campaign targeting different stakeholders.
Read More3 years ago Ten trade union arguments for a just energy transition in Africa by Marie Daniel climate change / decent work agenda / energy sector / green collective bargaining / just transition / trade union strategies A just transition involves climate action that provides decent jobs and less hardship for workers and their communities.
Defining a just transition for sub-Saharan energy workers by LRS climate change / decent work agenda / energy sector / green collective bargaining / just transition A discussion paper of the Sub-Saharan Africa Energy Network (SSAEN). Conducted by the LRS, this research was initiated and supported by Industriall-Sub-Saharan Africa and FES-TUCC.