Read More3 weeks ago Know your contract, know your rights by George Mthethwa basic workplace rights / BCEA / employment contracts / job seekers / Labour Relations Act / labour rights / workers’ rights What is an employment contract?
Read More7 months ago Aunty Bettie: a lifetime of fighting for women farm workers by GroundUp farm workers / national minimum wage / organising / precarious employment / women's month / workers’ rights “If you know your rights you can stand up for yourself.”
Read More7 months ago What can a worker expect from their employer if they are too sick to work? by GroundUp CCMA / Labour Relations Act / unfair dismissal / workers’ rights A recent ruling by the CCMA provides insight.
Taking Action on Violence and Harassment against LGBTQI+ Workers (Participant Handbook) by LRS discrimination / GBVH / gender based violence and harassment / inclusion / LGBTI+ / workers’ rights
Taking Action on Violence and Harassment against LGBTQI+ Workers (Facilitator Guide) by LRS discrimination / GBVH / gender based violence and harassment / inclusion / LGBTI+ / workers’ rights
Read More10 months ago What to do if you are sexually harassed at the workplace by Nelly Nyagah GBV / gender based violence and harassment / sexual harassment / workers’ rights / workplace sexual harassment Your rights, available support, and steps to take to address sexual harassment at work.
Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 by LRS Basic Conditions of Employment Act / BCEA / conditions at work / workers’ rights A summary of the provisions of the most important sections of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA).
Read More11 months ago Managing retrenchments: How to negotiate workers’ rights by George Mthethwa CCMA / labour disputes / Labour Relations Act / Negotiator's Guide / retrenchment / workers’ rights Worker leaders must understand legal obligations, dispute resolution pathways, and the challenges and ideal outcomes when negotiating retrenchment.
Location-based platform work in South Africa – Mapping the prospects for organising by LRS digital economy / gig economy / gig workers / organise / platform economy / workers’ rights The context, the trends, and the prospects for labour rights.
Read More1 year ago Actions we can take to stop GBVH in garment factories and clothing retail stores by Nelly Nyagah garment manufacturing / gender based violence / ILO Convention 190 / participatory action research / retail clothing / workers’ rights 98% of women workers surveyed say they have experienced one or more incidents of gender-based violence or harassment.