Tag: shop stewards alliance support
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4 years ago

Bargaining with South African multinational companies – Shoprite Checkers
by LRS bargain / shop stewards alliance support / South African multinational companies / transforming corporate governance
INFOGRAPHIC: A quick recap of Shoprite’s finances 2020 and going into 2021.
Bargaining with South African multinational companies – Shoprite Checkers
by LRS bargain / shop stewards alliance support / South African multinational companies / transforming corporate governance
INFOGRAPHIC: A quick recap of Shoprite’s finances 2020 and going into 2021.
The future of retail in Africa
by LRS future of work / retail / shop stewards alliance support / South African multinational companies / transforming corporate governance
Our latest study on the future of Africa’s retail sector provides clarity and a way forward for workers and their representatives in trade unions organising in the sector.
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5 years ago

How does Massmart treat workers in Africa?
by Dr Salomé Teuteberg company research / retail sector / shop stewards alliance support / South African multinational companies / transforming corporate governance
Trade unions in the retail sector in Africa have found ways of working together and with unions globally to ensure decent work in multinational corporations.
Financial reporting – 15 key terms to get you started
by LRS company research / negotiate / shop stewards alliance support / South African multinational companies / transforming corporate governance
What do the terms ‘depreciation’ and ‘amortisation’ mean? What does a non-executive director of a company do? Our new guide contains some basic financial terms that every union negotiator needs to know.
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6 years ago

The future of work in the retail sector
by Dr Salomé Teuteberg company research / future of work / shop stewards alliance support
The story of how the future of work will look is still being written and unions in Africa must also wield the pen. Here’s what we know about this hot topic.
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7 years ago

Success Story – using a global framework agreement to organise Shoprite workers
by Nelly Nyagah global framework agreement / organising strategies / retail sector / shop stewards alliance support / transforming corporate governance
Can a global framework agreement help a union to organise? For Swaziland Commercial and Allied Workers Union, the answer is a resounding yes.
Categories Cloud
Tags Cloud
afCFTA (31)
bargain (65)
bargaining benchmarks (25)
care work (40)
collective bargaining (26)
collective bargaining agreements (43)
collective bargaining support (212)
company research (67)
Coronavirus (27)
covid-19 (35)
CPI (117)
directors’ fees (66)
economy (26)
future of work (28)
GDP (29)
gender based violence (47)
gender equality (104)
ILO Convention 190 (34)
inflation (162)
inflation monitor (109)
inflation rate (69)
LGBTI workers rights (25)
living wage (25)
minimum wages (24)
MNC fact sheet (24)
MNC sector reports (31)
MNC trends report (44)
multinational corporations database (26)
negotiate (105)
Negotiator's Guide (37)
organise (41)
peer learning process (24)
precarious employment (39)
regional integration (21)
retail sector (31)
shop steward alliance support (21)
social dialogue (21)
South African multinational companies (87)
transforming corporate governance (129)
unemployment rate (41)
volunteer food handlers (23)
wage bargaining (57)
wages (75)
workers' education (25)
workers’ rights (22)