Read More7 years ago Meet the union leader: Myrtle Witbooi, General Secretary of SADSAWU by Nelly Nyagah COIDA / domestic workers / ILO Convention 190 / precarious employment Once ‘invisible’, she now fights for other domestic workers.
Read More7 years ago Things we know about gender violence in schools by LRS education sector / gender equality / ILO Convention 190 / peer learning process / school related gender based violence / workplace violence School-related gender-based violence is rampant but preventable. Appalled, teachers are now out to change the story.
Decisions for life: Sexual harassment by LRS decisions for life campaign / gender equality / ILO Convention 190 / negotiate / young women workers The Decisions for life: Sexual harassment booklet focuses on sexual harassment in the workplace and the protections available to workers.
Equality is everyone’s business by LRS gender equality / homophobia / ILO Convention 190 / LGBTI workers rights / negotiate This booklet outlines the various laws relating to workplace rights and provides advice on preventing and responding to discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.