Read More2 years ago How relief grants can be used to help young people into jobs by The Conversation economy / social grants / unemployment / young workers There’s a case to be made for combining cash grants and job-search assistance services.
Read More3 years ago Collective bargaining benchmarks in South Africa by Trenton Elsely bargaining benchmarks / collective bargaining support / economy / national minimum wage The Labour Research Service update on collective bargaining benchmarks in South Africa looks at three factors: the national minimum wage, economic indicators and bargaining indicators.
Bargaining Benchmarks | March 2021 by LRS bargaining benchmarks / collective bargaining support / economy / inflation / minimum wages / negotiate / unemployment rate / wages Bargaining Benchmarks is a resource for role players in collective bargaining in South Africa.
Bargaining Benchmarks | December 2020 by LRS bargaining benchmarks / collective bargaining support / economy / inflation / negotiate / unemployment rate / wages Bargaining Benchmarks is a resource for role players in collective bargaining in South Africa.
Bargaining Benchmarks | October 2020 by LRS bargaining benchmarks / collective bargaining support / CPI / economy / inflation / unemployment rate / wages Bargaining Benchmarks is a resource for role players in collective bargaining in South Africa.
Bargaining Benchmarks | July 2020 by LRS bargaining benchmarks / collective bargaining support / CPI / economy / inflation / unemployment rate / wages Bargaining Benchmarks is a resource for role players in collective bargaining in South Africa.
Read More5 years ago Beyond covid-19 lockdowns by Dr Salomé Teuteberg collective bargaining support / Coronavirus / covid-19 / economy / retrenchments / unemployment rate African countries must ensure functioning economies where jobs are secured and trade unions are fully involved in decision-making.
Bargaining Benchmarks | March 2020 by LRS bargaining benchmarks / collective bargaining support / CPI / economy / inflation / unemployment rate / wages Bargaining Benchmarks is a resource for role players in collective bargaining in South Africa.
Bargaining Benchmarks | November 2019 by LRS bargaining benchmarks / collective bargaining support / CPI / economy / inflation / unemployment rate / wages Bargaining Benchmarks is a resource for role players in collective bargaining in South Africa.
Bargaining Indicators | 2019 by LRS collective bargaining support / conditions of employment / economy / employment rate / future of work / gender / global value chains / inflation rate / living wage / minimum wages / wage bargaining review Bargaining Indicators provides trade union negotiators with economic indicators and benchmarks useful for developing bargaining strategies.