Advancing inclusion in the world of work through intersectional analysis


Advancing inclusion in the world of work through intersectional analysis

LRS dialogue for youth and trade union activists in the Vaal: We create safe spaces for storytelling and learning.

LGBTQ+ individuals often face joblessness, poverty, prejudice, and discrimination, especially during economic challenges. Workplace safety is important for LGBTQ+ workers and job seekers.

Using an intersectional approach, we can understand how people’s social identities overlap, leading to complex experiences of discrimination that deepen inequalities in the workplace. Trade unions play a vital role in tackling these intersecting forms of discrimination.

LRS collaborates with trade union gender equality teams to advance their inclusion goals. Our approach – Head (ideas), Heart (emotions), and Hands (actions) – strengthens partnerships, especially with marginalised groups like LGBTQ+ workers. These workers feel safe and able to bring their whole identities to our learning spaces.

Useful resources for LGBTQ+ individuals, their worker representatives, and employers

1. Workplace rights belong to everyone: Negotiating for inclusivity and against discrimination

The words and terms to use when talking about equality, the legislation protecting workers from discrimination and how to support and protect LGBT members of the union. Read here

2. Using C190 to support the struggle against homophobic and transphobic violence in the world of work.

Unions promote inclusion by addressing intersecting discrimination, which involves considering the needs of all members in collective bargaining and organising, and enforcing legal rights and international conventions like ILO Convention 190 (C190). Read more.

3. Trade union inclusion strategies that create meaningful change

The United National Transport Union shows how collective action and dedication can transform workplace issues. Know more

4. A practical guide for LGBTI workers in South Africa

A resource for LGBT workers, job seekers, their employers and colleagues, trade unions, and human rights organisations on preventing and responding to discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Download the guide 

5. A union toolkit for LGBTQI+ workers, educators, and facilitators – A step forward for workplace equality and safety. View here.

6. The experience of an LGBTQ+ workers’ representative 

This story challenges the stereotype that unions only care about raising the wages and salaries of members. Read

7. The experience of an LGBTQ+ worker in the retail sector

With the support and acceptance of her family, this former retail worker was able to bring her whole identity to work. Know more.

8. Experiences of youth with discrimination
LGBTQ+ youth discuss what would help them feel safer from violence and harassment when seeking employment. Watch the video:

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