Trade unions to stand firm against rainbow capitalism and anti-LGBTI+ backlash at the ILGA World Conference


Trade unions to stand firm against rainbow capitalism and anti-LGBTI+ backlash at the ILGA World Conference

The upcoming ILGA World Conference in Cape Town this November offers an opportunity for trade unions to amplify their support for LGBTI+ rights. Hosted by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), the 31st edition of the conference aims to strengthen solidarity with LGBTI+ communities globally, with trade unions participating in a dedicated labour caucus.

Trade unions and LGBTI+ rights: A long-standing alliance

ILGA represents nearly 2,000 LGBTI+ groups in 169 countries, advocating for equality and non-discrimination at all levels of society. However, LGBTI+ rights are facing growing threats, from repressive governments to corporate co-opting.

Criminalisation of consensual same-sex sexual acts in Africa

Source: ILGA World Database

Trade unions and LGBTQ+ groups have long collaborated to uphold workplace justice and freedom from discrimination. In a time of growing resistance to equality, the commitment of trade unions to ensuring LGBTI+ rights is timely and essential.

"We cannot allow rainbow flags to cloak labour exploitation."

ILGA also attracts support from businesses eager to reinforce their brand appeal through association with LGBTI+ issues. A growing concern for the movement is the rise of rainbow capitalism – the co-option of LGBTI+ symbols and causes by companies that wish to appear progressive while continuing to exploit their workers. Now more than ever, a strong labour voice within ILGA is essential to ensure that corporate commitments to LGBTQ+ rights extend beyond surface-level marketing campaigns.

As activists have long said, rainbow flags should not be allowed to cloak labour exploitation. Workers’ rights and queer rights are deeply intertwined, and unions will continue to advocate for both at the global stage. 

To strengthen this stance, the Council of Global Unions (CGU) is organising a diverse labour delegation for the ILGA World Conference. This delegation will elevate the intersectional struggles of LGBTI+ workers – particularly those who face compounded oppression based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, and age – at the conference discussions.

Building inclusive workplaces in Southern Africa

The CGU LGBTI+ Coordinating Committee will hold a two-day workshop focused on violence and harassment in the workplace, using International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 190 (C190) as a key framework. C190, which addresses violence and harassment in the world of work, will serve as a vital tool for trade union activists and allies to explore how they can defend LGBTQ+ workers and advocate for more inclusive workplaces.

The workshop is designed primarily for trade union LGBTI+ activists from Southern Africa, especially those active in women’s and youth structures.  The workshop will utilise Public Services International (PSI) guides that are tailored to address violence and harassment against LGBTI+ workers.

Participants will learn about:

  • the impact of violence and harassment on vulnerable groups, including LGBT+ workers.
  • the standards set by C190 and Recommendation 206 and their relevance to LGBT+ workers
  • how to advocate for the adoption and implementation of C190 and integrate C190 standards into union collective bargaining agendas
  • Develop more inclusive unions and union spaces

" We also see this as an opportunity for global delegates to build stronger ties with South African trade unions, which played a crucial role during the anti-apartheid struggle in shaping one of the world’s most progressive constitutions on LGBTI+ rights."

The ILGA trade union pre-conference

The ILGA Trade Union Pre-Conference will feature a series of panels that highlight some of the most urgent challenges for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies in the labour movement:

Panel 1: Fighting the global anti-LGBTI+ backlash: Challenges and successes in building support for LGBTI+ rights and equality in unions.

Panel 2: Fighting for LGBTI+ rights and equality in the global South (with a focus on Africa)

Panel 3: Freedom of Association, Occupational Health and Safety, and the Right to a Workplace Free from Discrimination: Tools for Building Support for LGBT+ Rights in the Trade Union Movement

These discussions aim to generate a draft resolution for the ILGA World Conference, laying the foundation for future actions that place draws on the influence and experience of unions in negotiating for inclusivity and against discrimination

From 11th to 17th November, about 800 delegates convene in Cape Town for the ILGA World Conference to build global solidarity on LGBTI+ rights and the broader goal of creating a world where no worker – regardless of their identity – faces discrimination, violence, or harassment.


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