Creating safe and inclusive trade unions and workplaces free of homophobia
The alarming rise in murders of self-identifying lesbians in South Africa highlights the ongoing struggles LGBTI+ individuals face in the workplace and trade unions. Despite laws and commitments to protect LGBTI+ workers, discrimination and harassment persist due to entrenched heteronormative attitudes among colleagues and employers.
While progressive legislation offers some protection, many LGBTI+ workers still experience bias based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. To strengthen inclusion, union gender coordinators and activists need resources and strategies. The LRS supports gender coordinators and activists to develop knowledge and approaches for ending homophobia and discrimination in the world of work.
Working with an intersectional approach, we can see how people’s social identities overlap and create compounded experiences of discrimination. Trade unions, as defenders of human rights, play a crucial role in addressing these intersecting forms of discrimination based on class, gender, race, sexuality, disability, age, etc, and how they deepen the inequalities workers experience.
The following resources are essential reading for trade unions and workers committed to promoting inclusion in the world of work:
- Workplace rights belong to everyone: Negotiating for inclusivity and against discrimination
- Using C190 to advance LGBTQ+ rights and protections in the world of work
- Creating safe and inclusive workplaces for workers who are LGBTI+ webinar | Meeting report
- Decent work for LGBTI+ workers webinar | Meeting report
- A practical guide for LGBT workers and their trade unions
- PRIDE at work – a study on discrimination at work on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in South Africa
- History of activism on LGBT rights in South Africa
- Coming out at work: A practical guide for LGBT workers
- Mini Guide to Convention 190 and R206
Trade union inclusion strategies that create meaningful change
- Implementing C190: Lessons from South Africa on ending violence in the world of work
- Bargaining Equality: Discrimination
- Sexual Orientation and Sexual Diversity in the Workplace – A draft code of good practice
- Building safer communities for LGBT people in South Africa
- Workplace Rights Belong to Everyone – Addressing homophobia in the workplace
- Sexual harassment at the workplace
- Covid-19: Implications for gay workers
- Covid-19: Implications for gay youth
- What will it take to build LGBT-inclusive workplaces in South Africa?
Finding a support system at work: My experience as a lesbian worker in the retail sector
Negotiating inclusivity: The experience of a queer workers’ representative
Views of our project partners

Key contact
Nosipho Twala | [email protected]