Project: Using an intersectional analysis to promote inclusion in the World of Work

Using an intersectional analysis to promote inclusion in the World of Work

Creating safe and inclusive trade unions and workplaces free of homophobia

Vision of the project

An environment that encourages individual change in consciousness and behaviours and promotes inclusive practices and policies for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) workers in working towards workplaces and trade unions free of homophobia. 

Mission of the project

To support Gender Coordinators in creating inclusive and safe spaces in the workplace and union where women, young people, people living with disabilities, migrant workers and LGBT workers feel free to claim and exercise their rights.

Problem statement 

The alarming rate of murders targeting self-identifying lesbians in South Africa underscores ongoing challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in the workplace and within trade unions. Despite international and national commitments to safeguard the rights of LGBTQ+ workers and promote inclusivity, discrimination and harassment persist.

These issues stem from entrenched heteronormative perceptions among colleagues and employers, hindering access to the labour market for LGBTQ+ individuals. While progressive legislation has improved legal avenues for redress, it has not stopped discrimination. Many LGBTQ+ workers and job seekers still encounter bias based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

There are examples of international, national and union commitments to address inclusion. Yet union gender coordinators and activists often lack exposure to LGBTQ+ issues, which affects the inclusion missions of organisations. Limited collaboration between trade unions and LGBTQ+ organisations has led to isolated programmes, worsening the problem. We support worker organisations committed to a world of work that values diversity, equity and inclusion.

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Key contact

Nosipho Twala  | [email protected]

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