Framing a just transition for trade unions in Africa


Framing a just transition for trade unions in Africa

The Labour Research Service is committed to building intellectual capital around just transition and translating it into a language our unions can speak.

At a SOLIDAR/OPIC workshop in April 2023, LRS Executive Director Trenton Elsely, outlined trade union priorities for a just transition. This presentation is for trade unionists who want to engage in dialogues on sustainable development and represent workers’ interests.

In 2019, we surveyed trade unions in the Sub-Saharan Africa Energy Network (SSAEN) to assess their general understanding of just transition and the extent to which they engage with the term. The figure below shows the results of the survey. Trade unions want to engage and see it as relevant, but lack the knowledge and confidence to do so.

The Trade Unions Going Green booklet, published in 2021, provides practical information on how to ensure a just transition for workers.

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