A checklist for bargaining with companies


A checklist for bargaining with companies

When bargaining, information about a company’s turnover, profits and directors’ pay can help trade unions negotiate wages. Directors are employees in the same way as any other employee. So the remuneration approach should not differ. Negotiators can prepare for bargaining by following some steps for using company-related information.

Negotiating with companies | A five-step guide

Step 1: Look at what directors earn

Do you know what directors earn and can you compare their pay with previous years? You need to collect and analyse information on directors’ remuneration.

Step 2: Don’t be swayed by claims of reduced profits – look at company revenues and profits

Companies may want to distract negotiators by claiming lower profits as a bargaining strategy. To better understand the company’s affordability, collect and interpret its financials.

Step 3: Gather information on workers’ pay

Know the conditions at work for all workers in the company. Conditions at work include salaries and allowance benefits.

Step 4: Build your bargaining case – compare percentage increases in wages

Comparing percentage increases will strengthen the union’s bargaining case.

Step 5: Build your bargaining case – reveal the wage gap

Use the information gathered in steps 1-3 to influence outcomes. Demand for accountability from the company.

Bonus step: Stay ahead of the company’s expansion strategies and organise across the business operation.


TAKEAWAY RESOURCE: South African Multinational Corporations in Africa Bargaining with Multinationals

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